this lil’ ditty is a real bastard of a saturation.
i wanted to set out to make switchable varities of drive in one box.
but who the hell can stop there hoss?
so, now this pushes volume into 3 different saturators all at once….
it friggin’ works man.
tanh, atan and overdrive saturators all working together to make your shit CHUNK.
“in” drives the circuit.
“out” is out…
now ya know!
grump m4l plugins are made for fast and creative audio mixing. no values are displayed or exact numbers used, so you rely on your ears.
these plugins will be grey'd out and not pass audio if you are using max 8. you need to goto cycling 74' and download max 9, install it then point ableton to use max 9 in your preferences. open ableton preferences, goto "file & folder" then choose "max application" and pick max 9. all the king grump plugins use some new things that got introduced in max9, ableton will be packaging max 9 with ableton very soon, but still waiting for that to happen.